Friday, December 28, 2012

Ego 02: New Year's Resolutions

    It's that time of the year again. The end of the year serves as a little reminder for the end of our lives. We reflect over the time that has passed, and frequently decide we are not satisfied with what we have done: "I should exercise more"; "I should eat healthier"; etc. We look at the new year as an opportunity for self-betterment and transformation, and resolve to do the things we think we should have done...

    ...and then after maybe a month, give up. Why? My thoughts are that in these situations, we're just making a wishlist, much like the one you would make for family and friends for Christmas gifts. We want external changes, but we don't often know how to find the resources for the internal changes needed. You don't (usually) just exercise every day because you decide to. That happens because you really want to exercise, either because you are doing something you enjoy or because you really internalize the need to be healthy.

    I am also making a list of resolutions, and the new year seems like a good time to implement them - after the holidays and the chaos of family, eating, and drinking that comes with it. As before, I list a brief justification of each.

  1. I will maintain a low-carbohydrate, adequate protein diet (that's less than 20% carbs, and +20% or at least 65 grams of protein, per day)
  2. Of the carbs I eat, almost all of them should be complex (dietary fiber)
  3. On the Sunday and Wednesday of each week, I will fast during the day (no more than 300 calories, mostly protein), and have a normal evening meal.
  4.  I will consume +2000 calories per day when not fasting. I will do this by trying to eat at least 3 largish meals a day.
    Normally, you go on a low-carb diet to lose weight. I am not overweight, but you do not need to be to benefit from this kind of diet. As I mentioned in a previous blog post, avoiding certain kinds of sugars can be very good for your health. Also, eating low-carb helps control insulin and blood-sugar levels. The protein and general calorie requirements are for building body (especially muscle) mass, since I will be exercising. How does that match up with fasting? There is evidence to suggest intermittent fasting is good for overall health.

  1. On Tuesday and Friday afternoon,  I will try to get about an hour of mixed cardio/calisthenics.
  2. On Monday and Thursday afternoon, I will try to get about an hour of running with some calisthenics.
  3. Everyday, I when I wake I will do 10 minutes of stretching, and after the exercises on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, I will do another 10 minutes of stretching.
  4. On Sunday and Wednesday afternoon, I will do at least 30 minutes of yoga.
  5. On Sunday, I will spend 30-60 minutes walking in nature.
    Exercise probably doesn't need a justification. Calisthenics for muscles, cardiovascular for the heart, yoga and stretching for flexibility.

  1. Every day, I will do three 15-minute meditations: when I rise in the morning (breathing), in the afternoon (attending to music), and before I go to bed (free association).
  2. Every night, I will spend 30 minutes reading from a religious text (currently, Buddhism).
  3. Every Sunday, I will attend a Buddhist gathering.
  4. At least once a week, I will volunteer at least an hour of my time to service for the community.
    Although I am an atheist, I was once religious, and religion has always fascinated me. My current interest is with Buddhism. I think the tools of the Buddhist tradition are useful to the modern man (focus, inner calm, detachment, methods of dealing with stress.) As a humanist, my greatest hypocrisy is my lack of good works for my fellow humans.

  1. I will keep a log hours I spend on certain activities
  2. I will keep a To-do list
  3. I will make and maintain an if-then list.
    I have recently read that keeping a to-do list doesn't always help, and that one way to improve productivity is to phrase goals in "if-then" language.

    We'll see if I have what it takes to maintain this. I hope to have a more general post up soon!

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